— from Chief Scott Williams, Orcas Fire & Rescue —

On Wednesday, August 15, Orcas Island Fire & Rescue responded to a 911 incident in Moran State Park on the trail between Little Summit and Mountain Lake. A hiker had experienced a fall while hiking, resulting in injuries which prevented the hiker from being able to walk any further. The hiker was suffering from severe pain from multiple leg injuries.

Captain Jim Schuh established Incident Command at the Eastsound fire station to coordinate communications, manpower, and equipment for the 911 response. From the command center Capt. Schuh contacted individuals at the accident scene via cell phone and worked with them to identify the exact location of the victim through local knowledge of the trail system and using cell phone coordinates provided by the hiker. This allowed members of Orcas Island Fire and Rescue in providing a quicker response to the hiker’s location.

The hiker was easily located about 1/2 miles from Little Summit on a treacherous area of the trail. The hiker was evaluated for injuries, treatment was provided for pain, and the hiker was evacuated by members of the Orcas Fire’s Technical Rescue Team and one Park Ranger.

Orcas Fire transported the hiker to the Eastsound airport and the individual was flown by Island Air Ambulance to St. Joseph Hospital in Bellingham in good condition.

Paramedic and Battalion Chief, Patrick Shepler, said, “I am so proud of our team. OIFR is blessed with the ability to conduct a rescue and medically manage the unique emergency challenges we face on this island.”