— from Marla Johns for Orcas Fire Commissioners–

The residents of Orcas Island can be comfortable in knowing that not just their safety and emergency medical needs are well taken care of, but so are their financial contributions to Orcas Island Fire and Rescue. 

The State of Washington’s Office of the State Auditor conducted a bi-annual audit which covered the period of January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2017 under the authority of RCW43.09.260.  The intent of the audit is to obtain evidence about the District’s uses of public resources, compliance with state laws and regulations and is own policies and procedures, and internal controls over such matters.  The audit report can be found at https://www.sao.wa.gov.

The audit report, published January 10, 2019, was presented at the Board of Fire Commissioners meeting on January 22, 2019.  The Commissioners acknowledged the receipt of the audit report and also the exit interview conducted with the auditors.  Not only did the audit demonstrate zero findings of deficiencies, but the auditors comments about the efficiency, responsiveness and overall performance of the department were glowing.  Commissioner Tim Fuller, who participated in the exit interview, commented, “the auditors report and statement of the department and staff could not have been more complimentary and glowing.  They have a lot to be proud of.”

The hard work and dedication to the department and community were obvious during the audit process.  The Commissioners would like to recognize the Chief and the staff of Orcas Island Fire and Rescue for their exceptional work.