By Ken Brown

The Board of Fire Commissioners convened for their August regular meeting on August 9, where a main item of discussion involved the Fire Marshal’s Inter-Local Agreement.

San Juan County’s Deputy Fire Marshal Paul Turner presented the agreement to the Orcas Fire Commissioners, which states that Orcas Island Fire District #2 will assume all administrative duties for the office of the Fire Marshal for San Juan County. Each Fire District in the County must sign the agreement, and then it will be presented to county council.

Turner said that, after the districts had signed the agreement,  it would be best to have a “sit down” with Orcas’ County Council representatives Richard Fralick and Patty Miller to give them notice that the Fire District will be assuming administrative duties for county-wide fire responsibilities.

County Council member Richard Fralick wants a dialogue, said Duke.It was suggested that Fralick be invited to a working session.

Fire Commissioner Jim Coffin then considered whether or not the county would rescind the administrative duties that Orcas has taken on. Turner replied any party can end the agreement with 180 days notice.

During the Public Comment session of the meeting it was asked how the Fire Marshal office charges for its services. Turner replied that commercial  businesses are billed for a  fire safety inspection by the square footage they occupy. In a criminal case like a recent arson/homicide in Friday Harbor, the office of the Fire Marshal billed the prosecutor’s office for the investigation.

The Deputy Fire Marshal is on the San Juan Fire District payroll.

In other business, District Financial Officer Rick Anda said of the financial report, “We’re in very good shape.”

Colleen O’Brian presented the commissioners with a $20,000 check from Malcolm Goodfellow; the money is being earmarked for new volunteer recruits and their communication program.

The status of the Deer Harbor Fire Station #24 is nearing completion:

  • firefighters are already responding out of there, reported Volunteer Firefighter, Dwight Guss;
  • the apparatus bay is completely done;
  • garage doors and hydrants have been placed;
  • the county has approved the landscaping plan which includes fencing and a water catchment system.

The Fire Department will model environmentally appropriate ways to irrigate. Chief Mike Harris said that some education will be needed, because casual observers might see fire trucks being washed with what appears to be potable water, when in fact it’s from the catchment system.

The next step in completion of the Deer Harbor Station will be the landscaping bid package.

Also related to the Deer Harbor Station is an agreement with the Cayou Valley Water Association, which will provide water to the station and is currently being reviewed. In the public comment session, Dwight Guss again brought attention to the Cayou Valley Water Agreement in his question about using water for incidental irrigation. Chief Harris reiterated, “The fire department will work to be a model for environmentally sound water usage.”

Later in August, a private tour of the Deer Harbor station for those involved in the Deer Harbor Hamlet Plan, is scheduled. A public tour is planned for later in the year.

Pierrette Guimond inquired about the status of Chief Harris’s succession plan; his contract ends in December 2011. “This is a work in progress,” said Coffin.

It was reported that the 2011-2016 Strategic Plan is not yet finalized. Commissioner Barbara Bedell, who was absent for this meeting, continues to focus on the communication part of the plan.

The Finance Committee will be meeting later this month. It will provide a schedule for Fire District members to offer comments and recommendations about the vision for the next five years in terms of financial planning, before the document becomes available to the public for review.

Orcas Island Fire District has been given a 5-foot 9-inch by 15 inch square artifact from the World Trade Center that weighs 750 pounds. Orcas Island will have an arrival ceremony at 8:30 a.m. on August 21 with a dedication and memorial service commemorating the September 9, 2001 World Trade Center terrorist attack.

A working session for the Board of Fire Commissioner is scheduled for August 23.  Their next regular meeting will be held Tuesday September 13 at 7:30 pm.

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