— from Aaimee Johnson for Orcas Family Health Center —

In the current health care climate, like all of our island businesses, we at Orcas Family Health Center are working to slow the spread of the coronavirus while continuing to provide care to our patients. Below are some of the measures we are taking to keep you and our staff as healthy as possible. We truly appreciate your understanding and patience during this time.

Hours: We are physically open to see patients for necessary issues Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. From 12 p.m. to 9 a.m. the following morning, we have a provider on call who can be reached by leaving a message through the main office number, 360-376-7778. Please call your pharmacy first for all medication refills.

Office Visits: To minimize exposure for our patients and staff, all routine, non urgent, and preventive/wellness visits will be scheduled after our Governor lifts the Stay Safe/Stay Home Proclamation. For patients with follow up visits, we are working to transition these visits to telephone
visits—allowing patients to speak with their provider via phone during their regularly scheduled visit time. If you have a visit scheduled during April, you either have or will receive a call from someone in the office to discuss rescheduling or changing your appointment.

All patients with urgent or acute symptoms contacting our office will undergo screening over the phone for COVID-19 symptoms, travel, and exposure history. Based on the screenings, we will be able to determine which patients are best served by coming into the office, receiving telephone based supportive care, or who may require additional screening or testing.

In the office: All patients will be screened for fever or flu-like symptoms at the front desk when they arrive. All patients will be roomed as quickly as possible upon their arrival to the office to minimize time in public spaces. All exam rooms are thoroughly cleaned between patient visits. Our staff regularly cleans all surfaces in the common areas. At this time, we are asking patients to come alone and not bring visitors or additional unessential family members with them, including children who are not the
scheduled patient.

What can you do?

  • Wash your hands! Use soap and water, lather for at least 20 seconds. Wash often. Don’t touch your face.
  • Stay Home. Limit outings to only truly essential needs. Limit your interaction with other people. Keep at least 6 feet away from other people. Do not share food, drinks, utensils, etc.
  • Work from home. Avoid large groups. Avoid exposure to sick people.
  • If you cough or sneeze, use respiratory etiquette and cover your mouth and nose. If you cover with a tissue, immediately throw the tissue into the garbage and then wash your hands. If you cover with your elbow, immediately wash your hands.

Thank you for your continued patience as we continue to work through this unprecedented event.

You can visit our website for additional resources or call the office at 360-376-7778