The petition to create a new Orcas Island Park and Recreation district (see preceding story) comes at a time when the current Orcas Island Recreation Program, under the auspices of the County Parks department, has experienced a cut in funding. The program was operating this year with a $10,000 county subsidy; cut from the $16,000 originally planned for the current year.

On July 1, the County Council voted not to fund the Orcas Rec Program’s $10,000, in an effort to adjust the 2009 budget, which has seen a decline in retail and new construction tax revenues.

Orcas West Council member Richard Fralick said, “The $10,000 for Orcas Rec was removed in Phase 1 of the budget cuts. I stated that I reserved the right to reconsider the discussion when we enter Phase 2. But it you want to put something back in, you have to take something out — it’s a zero sum game.

“If in Phase 2, another cut could be made instead of Orcas Rec, I would support that. It’s possible the Agricultural Coordinator position might be something — in the same $8,000 -$10,000 range — that could be considered in putting Orcas Rec back in. But I’m not sure that’s something the council would support.”

Fralick expects that the Phase 2 considerations will happen sometime in August.

Fralick said that he is in support of the petition to form an Orcas Park and Recreation District. “Obviously it will be up to the voters if they feel a park and recreation district is important — I think it is. But the way it’s set up now is not sustainable.

“There is a significant benefit to the community [for a parks and recreation district.] I hope the community will see that benefit and support it.

“This proposal just sets it up and creates a board: it doesn’t fund [the district]. Whether or not the final proposal makes sense, including what it does and how it’s paid for, depends on the details.”

The Orcas East district is represented by County Council member Gene Knapp. He said, “The Orcas Rec program is very important to the community. It probably keeps a number of young people out of the Sheriff’s Log.

“But it’s important for it to be properly financed. I think it should be a special … district, because it always gets squeezed in the county budget process. I’ve felt for several years we should form a district for that reason.

“The people on Orcas Island have always taken care of our young people, and I feel that this is an effort they will support.”

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