Join us to celebrate nearly 30 years of commitment to healthcare on Orcas Island as Dr. David C. Shinstrom, Dr. Dave to most, hangs up his stethoscope in retirement. Dr. Dave is hoping many of you can attend so he can express his appreciation for the honor it has been to serve some of the medical needs of Orcas. It has been quite a ride, lots of stories.

On July 17, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Red Rabbit Farm 216 Peyton Lane, in West Sound. The gettogether will be catered with food and beverages.

If you would like to help, please contact Aaimee Johnson at Aaimee.johnson@gmail.com, or Anne Presson at annep@orcashealth.org.

Please RSVP here: www.surveymonkey.com/r/DRDAVE2021

Vaccinated people can attend this outdoor event without wearing masks. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated people are invited to send their letters of gratitude to Dr. Dave at PO Box 245, Eastsound, WA 98245 and avoid this in-person gathering.

See coronavirus.wa.gov/information-for/you-and-your-family/life-after-vaccine/gathering-safely-once-vaccinated for more information on gathering guidance for Washington from our state’s Joint Information Center.

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