Housing insecurity is a term we hear a lot lately. But what does it mean, whom does it affect, and what can you do about it? “Housing insecurity” is an umbrella term that encompasses several dimensions of housing problems people may experience, including affordability, safety, quality, insecurity, and loss of housing.

Whether it’s difficulty paying rent, overcrowded living conditions, eviction, or homelessness, housing insecurity exposes individuals and families to increased stress as well as mental and physical health problems. Housing insecurity can affect anyone, but disproportionately affects lower income families, as they often have to pay higher proportions of their income for high cost rent. 

According to the US Dept of Health & Human Services, households are considered to be cost burdened if they spend more than 30 percent of their income on housing. Cost-burdened households have little left over each month to spend on other necessities such as food, clothing, utilities, and health care.

With more than 10% of Orcas Island households living below the poverty line and 40% not earning enough to make ends meet, the reality is that hiding beneath the island’s surface is an intense need for help just to get by. So many of our neighbors are forced to make impossible decisions: pay the rent or put food on the table, keep the lights and heat on or receive necessary medical care. 

While OPAL works to provide affordable housing on Orcas, OCRC serves as a vital resource providing housing support services. Knowledgeable staff connect islanders with both contracted programs and in-house services that include short term rental assistance, housing assistance grants, support for the unsheltered, housing application help, utility assistance, hygiene & cleaning items, food, clothing, showers, & more.  As a safety net for Orcas Island, OCRC strives to help residents meet essential housing needs. 

OCRC provided 6,828 Housing Support services to community members in 2022, representing 38% of our total services. Our goal is to increase OCRC’s capacity to help islanders with critical housing needs. Oftentimes people are unaware that help is available. Reaching out to connect with the services OCRC provides can be life-altering. OCRC is here for the community with doors open to reassure clients that they are not alone when facing a challenge or crisis.

The easiest way to help individuals and families who are experiencing housing insecurity is to support organizations that work with those in need, like OCRC. The OICF spring GiveOrcas Campaign (May 4th – May18th) is happening now! OCRC asks for your help to ensure islanders receive essential Housing Support services. Please consider making a donation during the campaign HERE. To learn more about OCRC’s services, visit orcascrc.org.