Orcas Christian School teacher Andy Rivera had done it again, tapping into the theatrical arts of his students, after last year’s  production of Romeo and Juliet.

Yes, my son was the sound engineer, but I’m not just gushing as a biased parent. You’ve got to listen to these kids and hear the professionalism of their voices and the quality of the audio (complete with recorded sounds like the shaking of baking powder boxes and the shutting of doors juxtaposed with the ringing of bells).

This went live this past Sunday, December 19 at 7:30, and I had no expectation of it sounding like a performance you’d hear on an actual radio broadcast. My husband and I had our mouths agape as we sat in the living room listening.

Students, if you happen to be reading this – WOW!! You were fabulous. Some of you downright shocked me with your ability. Way to go! Mr. Rivera, thank you for these wonderful opportunities that give kids the chance to dig deep and shine.

“God Bless us, everyone!”