— from Barbara LaBrash —

BachPosterThe December 6th and 7th concerts of Orcas Choral Society promise to be very special. Not only are Bach’s Magnificat and Cantata 140 “Wachet Auf” incredible masterpieces, but these concerts are a result of an important collaborative effort on the part of Orcas Choral Society, Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival, Turtleback Brass, and Orcas Boy Choir.

Orcas Choral Society has been working especially hard to prepare for these concerts. In addition to regular Tuesday rehearsals, every section (Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass) has met weekly for more focused practice. Many of the soloists are members of OCS: Naomi Aldort, Ann Brewer, Pam Evans, Stan Miller, Ginni Keith and Sharon Abreu.

The collaboration between OCS and OICMF has made it possible for Philip Cutlip to participate in this pair of concerts as Baritone soloist. He will be on Orcas for two weeks as Musician-in-Residence, coaching the Orcas Boy Choir and the Bass and Tenor sections of OCS. Our local soloists will have the opportunity to work with him also. During the week following the concerts, he will be acting as OICMF Musician-in-Residence for the public school, preschools and community vocalists. He will then perform in the OICMF Leaves of Gold concert on December 11th and

One additional event not to be missed is the free pre-concert lecture at 6:45 on Saturday, December 6th before the first concert. Artistic Director Roger Sherman not only will share his vast knowledge about Bach’s history and music, but he will demonstrate the rare oboes that are going to be used in the concert.