Monday, December 5, 5 p.m., Orcas Center

— from Margie Doyle, Interim Executive Director, Orcas Center –

On Monday, December 5, Orcas Center hosts a complimentary membership kick-off event, inviting all to an evening of fun.

We’ll be showing clips of our 30-year history of productions – come see and enjoy your own performances and participation and that of your neighbors. Look at our Orcas Center community past in scrapbooks and visit with your friends and neighbors.

Light refreshments will be provided.

See you at Orcas Center this Monday, December 5 at 5 p.m.

Orcas Center offers $5 tickets for all to Orcas Center-produced shows, please come to the Box Office in advance of our shows. Coming up: National Theater live production of War Horse on December . 8; Bolshoi Ballet production of The Nutcracker Ballet on December 14, National Theatre live production of No Man’s Land with Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart on December 15, the Metropolitan Opera’s live production of L’amour de Loin on December 18. And more to come in 2017, come to our December 5 event to be in the know.