From Orcas Center

Last Sunday after the Orcas Center’s Annual Membership meeting, the Volunteer Dinner for Orcas Center volunteers was happily reinstituted. Attendees savored a yummy St Patrick’s Day meal and were treated to a song from the upcoming production of Oliver! sung by Cali Bagby accompanied on piano by Ron Meyers.

The main event of the evening was the presentation of the two annual Orcas Center awards.  The first, the Margaret Exton for outstanding contributions and service was presented to Cynthia Abolin  who for almost three years now, comes to Orcas Center ever single Thursday year round, where she is the voice and presence in the Box office, selling tickets, processing memberships and answering questions.

The second is the 2012 Bunny award for outstanding performance on stage, which was given to a family for the first time in Orcas Center History. Ed, Kristin and Paris Wilson were honored for appearing in three productions on stage at Orcas Center 2012:   Gypsy, To Kill a Mockingbird and Enchanted Forest.