— by Lin McNulty —

It’s Saturday night, about 7 p.m. Maybe he’s had a busy day and can’t wait to get home. Maybe he made a wrong turn into an unknown dimension. Sean deMeritt was driving down Dolphin Bay Road about 400 meters from Killebrew Lake when, there, off in the brush, stands an Elk, a 12-14 point Bull Elk to be exact. Big Elk.

DeMeritt says he shared a 10-second direct stare with the Elk before the critter took off, and was able to snap a couple quick photos.

Previous reports indicated the Bull Elk, this year’s off-island featured visitor (last year it was a Black Bear), was seen in the Olga area. If it swam to Orcas, then it stands to reason it could swim across East Sound.

“I guess we do have Elk on Orcas,” deMeritt remarked.

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