Orcas Angels is “a community driven, local networking, nonprofit public charity….dedicated to the well-being and success of residents of Orcas Island,” invites the public to a Waffle Breakfast this Sunday, March 13 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon at the American Legion.

All proceeds benefit the people of Orcas Island for Crisis Relief projects that provide cash support, and for Extended Support projects “for people who have already received support form other nonprofit organizations and need additional support for a limited time,” according to Orcas Angels’ brochure.

The suggested donation for the Waffle Breakfast is $8. Anyone who would like to volunteer to help at the breakfast is asked to send an email to liz@rockisland.com.

Anyone is welcome to become a Community Angel through volunteer work or through a financial donation at Islanders Bank or at the group’s website, www.orcasangels.org

“There is always someway to help!” say Orcas Angels.