Orca Action Month is almost upon us! This year’s Orca Month theme is Clean Water, Healthy Futures. Toxic pollution and contaminants in the environment are one of the three threats facing orcas. It comes from untreated stormwater pollution, industrial discharges, and legacy sources from decades ago that are still persistent in the environment.

With an abundance of policies addressing toxic pollutants in Washington State this year, along with rising concern over the tire chemical 6PPD-Q and increased focus on how environmental pollution disproportionately impacts low-income and BIPOC communities, this is an opportune time to raise awareness and collectively envision a clean water future.

Throughout the month of June, event participants will learn about toxic substances threatening orcas, salmon, and people alike and will be empowered to take actions promoting healthier futures for all.

Our Orca Month opening webinar will occur on Wednesday, May 29th from 5:30-6:30 pm PST. Stay tuned for more information on the webinar!

To learn about the opening webinar, upcoming events, and this year’s theme, go to www.orcamonth.com. Free and fun events designed for every type of orca-lover out there!

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