Informational meeting on Friday, Mar 11 at 1 p.m. in the school library

The Orcas Island School District is working with the State of Washington’s ESPC (Energy Savings Performance Contracting) Team to develop and implement an energy conservation project at the Nellie S. Milton Building (aka: Orcas Elementary School). This project is being funded primarily through conservation grants provided by OSPI and the Department of Commerce.

The focus of the project is to provide new, efficient heating, ventilating and plumbing systems for the facility. OISD has teamed with one of the states pre-qualified Energy Service Companies, University Mechanical Contractors (UMC), to develop, design and manage this project.

UMC is currently looking for local subcontractors on Orcas Island to provide specific services for this project (work to be completed during the upcoming summer). The specific contract services needed include general construction, roofing, painting, cleaning services and crane providers. UMC will be on site from 1:00 to 3:00 pm on Friday, March 11, 2011 at the school library to discuss the project. Interested contractors are requested to come by to express interest and to provide information on their capabilities. Interested parties must meet all safety, insurance & state wage requirements. For additional information on these requirements, email:

This project has been developed through the State of Washington General Administration’s Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) program (for more information, visit the state website at One advantage of this program is the utilization of Energy Services Companies (ESCO) that have been pre-approved by the state GA.

These ESCOs follow state guidelines in developing, managing and guaranteeing the project results. The state ESPC program also opens the door for the application of external funding through grants, utility incentives, and energy savings to pay for these much needed improvements. Orcas Island School District has been successful in securing over 80% of the necessary funding for this project through these external resources. The overall process to develop and implement this program is overseen by the State GA Energy Team.