From County Auditor Milene Henley

County Auditor Milene Henley has confirmed the selection of persons to write Voters’ Pamphlet arguments in support of local ballot measures in the November General Election.  She is still seeking qualified persons to write arguments opposing four local measures. Those measures are:

  • An initiative banning the propagation and raising of genetically modified organisms in San Juan County.
  • A bond measure for Orcas Island School District.
  • A tech levy for Orcas Island School District.
  • A property tax measure to support the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District.

By state law, the legislative body sponsoring a measure is required to appoint persons to write arguments supporting and opposing local measures.  If the legislative authority fails to make the appointments by the prescribed deadline (in this case, by July 27), the county auditor is required to do so, whenever possible

Providing two sides to every argument provides an important service to the voters, and helps to ensure an informed electorate.

To view the full text of any of the measures, or to express an interest in possibly writing an argument against any of them, please contact Ms. Henley at (360) 370-7558, or