— from Susan Malins, Kim Secunda, Katie Wilkins, B. Sadie Bailey, and Tracey Levine —

Dear County Council Members:

We request that San Juan County Council meet with the Port of Orcas Commissioners and Interim Executive Director in public session on Orcas within the next few weeks. The public purpose of this meeting is for citizens to be provided an information session and updated progress report on the Orcas Airport Master Plan, which has not been provided to the public since September.

Last fall the Port Master Plan process specified there would be a period of several weeks beginning in January 2019 for public comment about the alternative selected and planned for by the Port (to date unrevealed).There has been no such public process, although according to news coverage and the Port website March 2019 is the completion date for the Master Plan.

Clarity and communication regarding which alternative is viable, and details on that implementation, are essential for this public process. We feel it important that the will of the people be represented and respected by the elected representatives. 

We advise that County Council have the draft master plan chapters and all preferred plan figure drawings (including all latest updates) available at this public session.

Please place this letter in the record in perpetuity, and thank you for representing the people of San Juan County.

UPDATE: Original list of signers has been updated to include: Susan Malins, Kim Secunda, Katie Wilkins, B. Sadie Bailey and Tracey Levine

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