— from Peter Bohr —

Bob Jarman
Rick Hughes
Jamie Stephens

Dear County Councilmen,

At my behest, the Islands Sounder and Orcas Issues each recently published articles regarding the ongoing thefts of multi-ride cards on the Washington State Ferries.  Hopefully, you read the articles and are aware of the situation.  But a brief recap:

Rides are somehow stolen from the five-ride cards after purchase even though the cards never leave the possession of the purchaser.  WSF does not require the cards to be shown at the Anacortes terminal;  WSF only requires that the driver verbally give the attendant the number of a valid card.  This suggests that somebody inside WSF or outside the organization is hacking the WSF computer system to obtain the numbers.

I lost three rides in one month, costing me nearly $100.  Since publication of the articles, I have been contacted by a half dozen or so other riders who also have lost rides.  After talking to ferry attendants at the Orcas terminal, I learned that this has been an ongoing scam since at least December.  And after making a report to the Sheriff and talking to officials at WSF, I learned that they are well aware of the thefts.

Yet, WSF is unwilling to make any compensation to riders who have been victims of their hacked system.  Worse still, there’s seems to be no resolution of the problem.  Requiring riders to present the multi-ride card – or at least a facsimile – would be one obvious solution.  Until then, I am unwilling to purchase a card, which makes riding the ferry, especially in high season, costly.

It would seem appropriate that county council members follow-up with both the Sherriff and WSF to see that there is some resolution.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to the courtesy of your replies.