Kiki Coe and son William choose a unique handmade bowl from the more than 50 bowls contributed by local ceramicists and students.

By Madie Murray

A cool, rainy day was perfect weather for more than 50 guests to stop by the Wildflour Bakery for a hot bowl of delicious vegetable barley soup.   A bonus was that they could pick out a beautiful handmade bowl from a huge selection of bowls contributed by island potters, fill it with soup for a contribution of any size to the food bank, then take the bowl home.   A total of $765 was raised for the Food Bank.

Ceramicists contributing bowls were students, potters from Crow Valley Pottery, Syd Exton, Trudy Erwin, Maria Papademetriou, Joe Symons, Jerry Weatherman, Maria Webster and Mary Jane Elgin, who pulled the event together.  Ben and Megan Kaufman, owners of the Wildflour Bakery made their bakery available for the event and contributed fresh baked bread to accompany the soup.

“We are so fortunate to have incredibly talented ceramicists in our community who are willing to share the beauty of their bowls with us, says Elgin.  “This was my first time doing this project which was conceived by ceramics teachers about 20 years ago as a way for students and local ceramicists to share their craft and support their community at the same time.  A win-win for everyone.”