The OPALCO Board of Directors has set Saturday, May 4, 2013 for its Annual Meeting and election of directors from District 3 (Lopez, Decatur, Center and Charles islands) and District 4 (Shaw, Crane, Canoe and Bell islands).

No later than January 4, 2013 the directors will appoint two separate  Nominating Committees consisting of three to five OPALCO members from Voting District 3 and Voting District 4.  Each Committee will nominate two to five members as candidates for Director from their respective districts. District 3 will have two openings; District 4 will have one opening.

A list of director candidates will be posted in the lobby of the Eastsound office no later than March 5, 2013. Fifteen or more members from District 3 or District 4 may make other nominations by signed petition filed at the Eastsound office no later than March 20, 2013.

If you are an OPALCO member living in either District 3 or District 4 and are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee or the OPALCO Board of Directors, please contact Bev Madan at 376-3549 or