— from Bev Madan, OPALCO Executive Assistant —

OPALCO’s Committee on Nominations has named the following candidates for two Board of Director position openings in OPALCO’s District 1 (serving San Juan, Pearl, Henry, Brown and Spieden Islands):

  1. Vincent Dauciunas
  2. Glenna Hall
  3. Bryan Hoyer
  4. Doug Rowan
  5. John Sheehan.

In addition, the following candidates were nominated by petition for the two position openings in District 1:

  1. Steve Hudson
  2. Bob Jarman

Members may nominate candidates by petition until March 19, 2014. All members will vote at the annual meeting May 3, 2014 or by absentee ballot. For more information, contact Bev Madan at 376-3549.