— from Suzanne Olson —

The OPALCO Board voted unanimously to ensure that all co-op members would be granted a vote and a voice in electing and retaining board members. The co-op model relies on the premise of one vote for each member.

Article I, Section 10 of OPALCO’s bylaws has been revised to give all members the opportunity to vote in the case of a call for board member removal or replacement. The original language would have excluded absentee members from having a voice in the matter. To review the details of the bylaw revision, please go to www.opalco.com/bylaws.

Randy J. Cornelius, General Manager, says the bylaw language was found to be out of compliance with current state law (RCW 24.06.110). “The Board’s action today is meant to uphold and protect our members’ right to elect their directors,” said Cornelius. “This is integral to the strength and unity of our Co-op.”

The issue came up during the regular meeting of the Board in February when OPALCO’s legal counsel discovered the flaw in our bylaws. The Board determined that, because of the timing of the Annual Meeting (May 3rd), immediate further discussion was warranted on this bylaw issue. The Board met by phone on March 6, 2014, in keeping with our bylaws on special meetings, to discuss and act on the matter.

For the latest information about OPALCO, go to: www.opalco.com/; sign up for our email newsletter (opalco.com/about/email-signup/); and follow us on Facebook (Orcas Power & Light Cooperative) and Twitter (@orcaspower). OPALCO is our member-owned cooperative, powering nearly 12,000 members on 20 islands in San Juan County since 1937.