Funhouse science instructor Lana Hickman works with kids regularly after school, getting them interested in science, and helping them devise projects for The Funhouse's annual Science Fair.

Funhouse science instructor Lana Hickman works with kids regularly after school, getting them interested in science, and helping them devise projects for The Funhouse's annual Science Fair.

The 8th Annual Funhouse Science Fair will be held Saturday, March 28, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The Funhouse on Orcas Island. All school-age children are welcome to participate, and the fair is free and open to the public.

Besides a big turnout from the Orcas Island School District, The Funhouse is also expecting serious competition from other islands. San Juan Island has been invited to participate in the scholarship competition, as well as all the smaller islands.

“We are looking forward to the great work that always comes from Lopez, Shaw, and Waldron,” said Funhouse Executive Director Pete Moe. “This year we expect even the Stuart Island school to compete!”

The general public is invited to afternoon’s events. “Ask anyone who’s come before—it’s a blast to hear the kids explain their projects,” says Moe. “They get really into it.”

For the third year in a row The Funhouse is awarding $2,000 in the form of three scholarships to the top prize-winning high school students. Awards and science prizes will also be given to all participants.

In 2008 the high school level scholarships went to Cameron Smart (1st Place) Maddie Smith and Ashley McCloskey (2nd Place) and Haley Paulson (3rd place).

Besides the scholarship awards there is also the annual “Ritchie Moore Rocket Ship of Wonder” best-of-show award. Last year this prestigious prize went to 7-year-old Matthew Laslo-White, for his project that explained the physics of sound using a violin and an old hand-cranked record player.

For downloadable rules and sign-up forms and visit the Funhouse website at

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