— by Margie Doyle —

Orcas Island Library Trustees are committed to the expansion of the Public Library‘s physical facilities and equipment, staffing and library programs. Planning for the expansion, estimated to add 1,500 to 2,000 square feet to the 1992 building will dominate their 2014 calendar; building is expected to begin in January 2015.

At the Jan. 14 meeting of the Orcas Island Public Library District Board, the trustees — Rachel Newcombe, Donna Riordan, Tom Fiscus, Margaret Payne and newly-appointed trustee Regina Zwilling — joined with Executive Director Phil Heikkinen and Library staff Mary Pugh to schedule a year of implementation.

They outlined their process for the expansion’s design, planning, funding, and communication.

Fiscus updated the Library Board on preliminary meetings with San Juan County Management and Development and Planning. The board has found the county to be helpful in a preliminary meeting with County Manager Mike Thomas and Development and Planner Shireeene Hale, in what Trustees described as a “straight-forward Process.” A review of the site plan is underway with special attention to landscaping and stormwater drainage provisions.

The board is considering what assistance they will need in managing the expansion project; and what tasks may be undertaken by library staff, which may include additional hours.

Fiscus briefed the Trustees on the 2014 timeline:

  • March: public fundraising plans
  • April: fundraising campaign
  • May: selection of designer for schematics
  • June: schematic design report
  • July: public reception
  • August: Library Fair
  • October: design construction documents and solicit contractor bids
  • December: select general contracto
  • January, 2015: construction begins.

Expansion plans call for:

  • computer workstations (and relocation of the computers currently in the center aisle of the main library),
  • increased worktable space,
  • creation of a quiet reading room,
  • creation of two small group study rooms,
  • improved shelving,
  • an additional family friendly restroom,
  • increased periodical space
  • creation of one additional office
  • additional storage

The capital improvement fund, with about $91,000 in contributions from the non-profit Friends of the Library, currently holds over $250,000. Although the cost per square foot has not yet been finalized; the Board projects an additional $600,000 will be needed, from public donations, private funding and grants. The board does not intend to go before the public for a vote on a tax increase for the expansion.

The Board has said in a public statement that it “desires that all members of our community be involved in the project in whatever ways they can. For some, that may mean attending meetings, for others it may mean making a significant monetary investment in the library. All donations or contributions of whatever size will be gratefully received and will be put directly toward the [expansion] goals. Some methods for supporting the project are already in place, while others will be announced as they are developed and the need arises.”

Fiscus noted that the expansion of Public Libraries’ services and facilities is widely viewed as a crucial element of communities’ economic development.

Further definition of the timeline and tasks will take place at the Library Board’s meeting on Jan. 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Episcopal Church’s Benson Hall.

Trustees emphasized that the meeting will be a work session rather than a “retreat,” with plans for reviewing communication, administrative help, and RFPs for fundraising and design of the expansion project. Guests from the Community Foundation, Rock Island Video and former Library Director Victoria Parker will be invited to present at the work session.

The slate of Public Library Board Officers was also set at the January 14 meeting, re-instating the 2013 officers as follows:

  • President: Rachel Newcombe
  • Vice President: Donna Riordan
  • Board Secretary: Margaret Payne
  • Recording Secretary: Mary Pugh

Committee Assignments were set:

  • Regina Zwilling to serve on Finance with Mary Pugh and Phil Heikkinen
  • Tom Fiscus to serve on Publicity
  • Donna Riordan to serve on Facilities (systems) and Expansion
  • Margaret Payne to serve on Facilities (grounds), noting that the charge for facilities may change this year with the planned expansion.

The Board of Trustees of the Orcas Island Library District meets at 8:30am on the second Tuesday of every month. Meetings are held in the Community Meeting Room of the Orcas Island Public Library. The public is welcome to attend.

Orcas Island Public Library is located at 500 Rose Street in Eastsound.