April 18 – May 6, 2016

— from Joy Lord —

San Juan County Public Works crews will be conducting a roadway reclamation project on Orcas Island.

Project is to take place on Olga Road between the south entrance of Moran State Park (milepost 14.35) and the intersection of Mt Entrance Rd (milepost 15.8). Work will include:

 Pulverizing existing chip seal surface and mixing into the roadway base.

 Grading, compacting, and leveling pulverized material.

 Adding aggregate to provide a smooth and level driving surface.

 Apply a new chip seal surface.

Expect short traffic delays for the duration of the project.

Work will begin on or about April 18 and is expected to last about three weeks. Weather related delays may extend project completion. Questions? Call Public Works at 360-370-0500.