by Lin McNulty

OIFR Chief Kevin O’Brien says he wishes he had more to report in the ongoing investigation of the suspicious fires in the Olga area this summer, that folks are often stopping him on the street to find out if there is anything new.

The investigative team,  OIFR Chief O’Brien, Sheriff’s Detective Buchanan, County Fire Marshal Steve Marler, Lopez Fire Chief Jim Ghiglione, along with the ATF, met on Tuesday, October 1, to touch base with each other and make sure they are on track. However, there are no new developments to report.

They stress, again, that this is an ongoing investigation and that as frustrating as it may be, it takes time. Results have not yet been received from the WSP Crime Lab on evidence submitted.

All investigators are still accepting leads and any information, no matter how seemingly insignificant, regarding these suspicious fires, even though an official determination of “arson” has not been reached.

Chief O’Brien also stresses that we are entering the season for chimney and electrical fires; make sure to check your smoke detectors, get your chimney cleaned, and be mindful when using an electric space heater.