by Krista Bouchey, Assistant Director
The Funhouse Discovery Center

At the July 12th Orcas Island Park and Rec (OIPRD) meeting, the discussion centered around the negotiations regarding the transfer of ownership of Buck Park from the Orcas Island School district to OIPRD.

The five commissioners discussed what issues they would like to focus on in their negotiations with the school.  Commissioner Martha Farish stated, “We would like to come to agreement on all the issues surrounding Buck Park concurrently,” referring to issues such as trash, maintenance, water rights, and any kind of transition period.

On July 13th, the OIPRD presented a memorandum to the Orcas Island School District Board that indicated the key issues to be negotiated. Key issues indicated were:

  • water use
  • water rights
  • resolution of legal use that is dictated by the State of Washington indicating that Buck Park must continue to be used for recreation
  • reversion
  • legal expenses.

They also presented an example agreement between Island Rec and the Friday Harbor School District.

The School Board presented their own list that included water usage, maintenance, and scheduling.

The two boards will meet at a public meeting on July 28th to discuss details further.

At the regularly scheduled meeting on July 14th, the five commissioners discussed details concerning negotiations to borrow money from the Port of Orcas.  They are planning on borrowing $65,000 from the Port and expect to sign terms by the end of this month.

This would enable the organization to begin an interim period of operation before they actually receive tax funds in May 2012.

OIPRD commissioners met in executive session to discuss their requests for proposals.  This request was advertised last month stating OIPRD is seeking rental space and interim management for the next 10 months. They will decide on these proposals after they have finalized their loan arrangement with the Port of Orcas.