How does a high school student react when someone suggests they attend a leadership camp? “A little bit boring and kind of lame. That’s what I thought at first,” says Milana Schneider, a rising Junior at Orcas Island High School. But after a short debrief with Schneider and her classmate Meg Waldron it is clear that the experience was anything but lame. Thanks to funding from the Orcas Island Education Foundation, Schneider and Waldron were nominated to attend the annual Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership Seminar, or HOBY Washington, from June 16-19 at Whitworth University in Spokane, WA.

HOBY’s vision is “To motivate and empower individuals to make a positive difference within our global society through understanding and action based on effective and compassionate leadership,” and the seminar was a success as far as Schneider and Waldron are concerned. “It was challenging to be so far out of my comfort zone,” says Waldron, “I’m a shy person. But all the people were so welcoming and fun. I couldn’t believe how fast it went by.” Schneider noted that before HOBY, her impression of a leader was someone who stood at the front and told people what to do. HOBY introduced new types of leadership styles—being a good listener or a resource, bringing people together, or making connections for people.

Schneider and Waldron are already thinking about who would be a good fit for next year’s HOBY Seminar and talking it up to their friends. “HOBY taught me to try new things, to go for it. I wish everyone could go to HOBY!” concluded Schneider.

To help send OIHS students to HOBY and other instructional programs, donate to OIEF at https://oief.org/donate/

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