Part 3 of 3

— from Anne Presson for Orcas Island Healthcare District —

In the final article of our three-part series on the Orcas Island Healthcare District (OIHCD) -who we are, what we do and how we impact the community – we outline the various ways you can engage with the District.

Over the past year, the Commissioners have focused on communicating with the community through a variety of channels. These have included:

  • Creating and maintaining a District website (
  • Hosting Town Hall meetings
  • Placing articles and ads in The Sounder and Orcas Issues
  • Participating in meetings with community organizations
  • Connecting with individuals via phone, email or in person
  • Hearing public comments at the beginning and end of every Regular Board meeting

As we prepare to enter our second year of operations, the Commissioners want to make sure our communication strategy is effective and is reaching people where they are and where they go. The Communications Committee, comprised of Commissioners Diane Boteler and Art Lange, welcomes input from the community as we develop a more comprehensive Communications Plan. Our goal is to ensure the District’s communication is timely and transparent, the information shared is easy to understand, and we create a process to receive and respond to feedback from members of our community.

While still a work in progress, the essential elements of our 2019 Communication Strategy and Implementation Plan are summarized below.

  • Post all minutes, governing documents, materials to be acted on at meetings, resolutions, contact information, etc. on our website for easy public access.
  • Create a mechanism to enable the members of our community to share their questions, concerns and suggestions.
  • Provide a series of articles in our local media on specific topics of interest regarding the provision of primary and urgent care on Orcas Island.
  • Conduct Town Hall meetings to solicit feedback from the community and share important updates and activities underway within the District.
  • Meet with community groups and organizations, as requested.
  • Participate in the San Juan County Community Needs Assessment, which will help identify needs and possible gaps in the delivery of healthcare on Orcas.

The Commissioners look forward to increasing engagement across our entire community. Hearing from all of the constituents we represent enables us to better understand the varying needs within the community and gain a more complete perspective on how well existing healthcare services are serving the needs of Orcas Island.

Please visit the OIHCD website at, and provide your email address to share feedback and suggestions, as well as stay informed of all OIHCD activities.

Part 1: Healthcare district provides a look back and inside the workings of the first year

Part 2: Orcas Island Health Care District: Who does what?