The Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival (OICMF) is delighted to bring to you “Music on the Farm”, a half-hour of music for toddlers and preschoolers with Charly Taylor and Mandy Troxel. Every Friday from June 21 through August 23 at 1:30pm, youngsters and their grown-ups are invited to Lum Farm for a circle-time of singing and dancing
(featuring songs with a farm-themed twist, of course!). There is no charge for this weekly musical event!

Charly Taylor and Mandy Troxel have both led music for Orcas Island preschools through the OICMF’s Pied Piper program, which provides artists for music and movement with all island preschools. The benefits of early childhood music are many:  promoting verbal development, coordination, and generally fostering the joy for all ages!

After the music, participants are invited to visit the animals via the Lum Farm Walk (free, with tips appreciated), where a menagerie of farm critter ambassadors stand by to say hello through the fence. The farmstand will also be open with produce, cheese and ice cream available for purchase.


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