By Sue Lewis

Great food, wonderful fashions for all ages, and beautiful ambiance will make May 5, 2012 a day to remember. The Orcas Island Community Church Women’s Annual Spring Luncheon and Fashion Show will be held at Moran State Park – Camp Moran Environmental Learning Center (ELC). The theme will be “Dressed In God’s Best,” inspired by COL. 3:12.

Youngsters to oldsters in all sizes will model fashions provided by Aurora Company Consignment Shop, Faraway Boutique and Cherry T’s Pre-Loved Kid’s Clothing. The show will demonstrate dressing your best on a budget with fashions for every occasion.

All women are invited to attend for fun and fellowship. A delicious luncheon will be prepared and served by the men of our church. This promises to be a very light-hearted and fun afternoon.

DATE: Saturday, May 5th
LOCATION: Camp Moran-Environmental Learning Center
TIME: 11:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.
COST: $15.00 per person

Reservations required by April 20; only 120 seats available.

Call Susan Clark at 376-7046 for reservations and tickets.

***Limited parking, carpooling highly suggested. Discovery Pass needed if not parking on the grounds of the ELC.