— by Cara Russell —
2016GradsIt was sandals and unique socks for the Shrek-loving graduates. On Saturday, June 11, at 2 p.m., Orcas Island High School class of 2016 held their graduation ceremony to a gym full of friends, family, teachers, and community members.

“This class is exceptional,” said School Board member Tony Ghazel in his delivery of the welcoming speech. Ghazel set the tone that was followed by every speaker, that this graduating class is comprised of scholars, athletes, musicians, artists, debaters, and patriots. “Thank you for encouraging us to do out best.”

Superintendent Eric Webb advised parents, “Your children need you now more than ever. So, don’t think that your role as parent has diminished.”

Dual Salutatorian speakers Anthony Kaskurs and Wylie Kau delivered a little slapstick as they changed places at the podium, then changed speeches, then back again. They made jokes, made light of the situation, and made sure to let everyone know that they are proud of the community that they call home.

Class advisor Michael Buckner introduced Class President Ray Doss. Doss spoke of the unity of his class, and how he could not have known the impact these 30 kids would have on his life when he moved here eight years ago. And he still remembers his first day when a little boy came up to him and said, “Hi my name is Mackey, and I know EVERYONE on the island.” Doss’s loving speech ended with a standing ovation.

Valedictorian speaker Rachel Brewer educated us on the Latin roots for the definition of ‘educate.’ “There is ‘Educare,’ which means to train or to mold, and then there “Educere,” meaning to lead out. Brewer said now is the time where they move from ‘Educare’ to ‘Educere.’

Teacher Val Hellar introduced the ‘Senior Appreciation Award,’ acknowledging and thanking a member of the community. The award gives $1,000.00, donated by Robert and Becky Gates. “This class is starting a tradition,” said Hellar. Graduating students wrote letters explaining who they thought was deserving of the award. Michael Buckner’s leadership class then read the letters and selected Jo Gudgell’s letter, nominating teacher Maurice Austin.

Gudgell read her loving letter to her teacher. She spoke of his puns, famous long stares, and unconventional ways, but, also of his inspiring generosity and brilliance. “He believed in me. He let us know that someone understood and someone cares. I love writing because of him.”

Doss returned to the podium to introduce the Commencement Speaker, former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. Teachers Mike Buckner (‘maybe Gates would be willing to speak”) and Mandy Randolph (“it never hurts to ask”) inspired Doss to ask Gates to deliver the Commencement Address. Doss asked, and Gates said yes.

Gates captured the attention of the entire room. “I will be mercifully brief,” he joked. Gates revisited his memories of his high school teachers who had a lasting impression on him. He spoke of the D he received in freshmen precalculus. “That D was a gift.” He spoke of his shortcomings as a spy for the CIA. “My efforts were less James Bond and more Austin Powers.”

He told the class not to let challenges stop them from reaching out and trying new things. And that it may take a few missteps and embarrassments before they find what they are meant to do.

He finished with advice to take with them into the future. Three qualities are needed by good leaders: integrity, moral courage, and treating others with common decency and respect. “In America today, we need leaders with all of these characteristics.”

Gates was followed by the popular slideshow of the graduates through the years. And then, the moment everyone had been waiting for, the Presentation of Diplomas.

High School Principal Kyle Freeman and School Board Members Tony Ghazel, Janet Brownell, Scott Lancaster, Chris Sutton, and Greg White delivered the diplomas. Many of the Seniors hugged their principal, tossed their caps into the air, and emerged from the school, out and into the (mostly sunny) day, graduated!

Congratulations OHS Class of 2016!

Orcas Island High School Seniors of 2016

Lily Ann Ater + #
Claire Margaret Bishop Martin + #
Steven Thomas Bodenhamer +
Rachel Marina Brewer ! #
Pavel Roman Bullock + #
Kevin A. Campos Carreon
Mackenzie James Cardinell +
Conger Thomas Cole Davis
Ray Jackson Doss
Desmond Rufaro Graves
Holden Thomas Griskey-Watson
Josephine Claire Gaiser Gudgell + #
Simone Donna Faye Hansen ! # +
Ryan Wesley Heath
Anneke Cameron Ivans + #
Anthony William Kaskurs #
Wylie Fu Xing Kau ! # +
Reid Christian Ledgerwood + #
Gwydion Mareth + #
Kyle Masters +
Lillian Helen Miller ! # +
Emma Lee Minnis +
Sierra Dawn Morrison +
Emily Doris Nichols +
Javier Alfredo Orantes
Claire Geddes Orser +
Kaya Risa Osborn +
Kahana Reilly Kalaena Pietsch ! #
Dana Corrine Sabine ! # +
Egil Waterman Sweet +
Lorenzo Lyle Clure Thixton + #
Halle Avaneel Thompson #
Tiana Roselea Michael Tompkins +
Zachary Christopher Waage + #

! National Honor Society
# GPA Above 3.25
12 years at Orcas Island Schools

$130,000.00 in Scholarships were awarded to 2016 Orcas Island School District Students.