Sunday, February 8, 10 a.m., Emmanuel Church

— from Emmanuel Episcopal Parish —

Father Berto Gándara

Father Berto  Gándara

Emmanuel Episcopal Parish invites the community to celebrate with us the renewal of our ministry and the welcoming of our new rector Berto Gándara on Sunday, February 8 at 10 a.m. at Emmanuel Church.

Since starting his pastoral duties last summer, Berto, as he is familiarly known, has said that he intends for his service at Emmanuel Episcopal “to give to the people a place where they feel welcomed as they are; where they feel deeply loved ‘in broken-ness.’ Where they’re not outsiders — challenged to grow, but loved as they are.”

He has been caught up in “the excitement of a community of people who want to work and give of themselves; who think for themselves and truly live out the message of Jesus, serve the community and be welcoming.”

To read of Berto’s biography, go to

The Rt. Rev. Greg Rickel, bishop of the Episcopal Church in Western Washington, will preside the Communion Service, which will be the only service on Feb. 8. Join us for this festive occasion.