The Life of Galileo open this Thursday at OffCenter.

The Life of Galileo open this Thursday at OffCenter.

Celebrate the opening of Orcas Center’s OffCenter 2013 Season with a local star-studded cast in The Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht (translated by David Hare) Thursday, January 24 at 7:30 pm. Performances continue through February 2, Thursday – Saturday.

The Life of Galileo, a story of science, oppression, responsibility, and passion, is a classic drama and is remarkably relevant today. The play is about the scientist, Galileo, who was initially celebrated as a great man of the Renaissance – until the church and oppressive government condemned his teachings. They feared he would begin to question basic tenets and beliefs as well as religious attitudes toward scientific discovery prevalent in the 1600s.

The Life of Galileo is performed in the round, which brings an involving intimacy, with multiple projections, beautiful direction and staging by director, Robert Hall.

The cast has dedicated the play to Maria Massey, a cast member who recently died in a car accident, and to her family.

An exciting addition to the production is Kay Dudley’s lighting design. Kay, a professional lighting designer from Seattle (if you saw Nanda, The Jacket, you experienced her lighting design) has donated her expertise to Orcas Center for this production. Robert Hall has compiled a fascinating collection of videos, images and music that he is projecting onto two screens above the heads of the audience.

The cast includes Tom Fiscus as Galileo, Conrad Wrobel, Matthew Laslo-White, Frank Michels, Audra Goffeney, Steve Henigson, Michael Armenia, Bob Littlewood, Pat Littlewood, Elane Phipps, Christian Bailey, and Freddy Hinkle.

Tickets for The Life of Galileo are $15 for adults, $11 students, $2 off for Orcas Center members, and may be purchased at or by calling 376-2281 ext. 1 or visiting the Orcas Center Box Office open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from noon – 4 pm. For more information about Orcas Center 2013 season events, please visit