The Off-Islanders will give public performances at Doe Bay, in addition to an improv workshop

“The Off-Islanders” will come to the Doe Bay Yoga Studio, on the campus of the Doe Bay Resort, for two shows only, on Feb. 20 and 27. The troupe features improvisers from Seattle, San Francisco, and Melbourne, Australia.

Doe Bay is hosting a 9-day improvisation workshop led by nationally acclaimed Master Improvisers Matt Smith and Rebecca Stockley.

Says island improviser Louise Carnachan, ” Matt Smith and Rebecca Stockley are two of the best improvisers I know! Rebecca gave me my first taste of improv and I studied with Matt for years. They’re bringing a crew of advanced improvisers to the island to work out for a week. I wouldn’t miss their show for anything!”

Performance time is 7 p.m. on Saturdays February 20th and February 27th at the Doe Bay Yoga Studio, located at 107 Doe Bay Road, Olga.

Guests are welcome to dine at Doe Bay Café before or after the show

Admission is $1, with half-price admission for children. For more information, call  376-2291.