Saturday, Oct. 22 at 4 p.m. at the Village Green

By Morgan Meadows

The public is invited to a one hour peaceful assembly in support of the Occupy Wall Street participants and similar events taking place nationally on Saturday, October 22, at 4 p.m. at the Eastsound Village Green, in front of the stage.

Please consider speaking, briefly, to some aspect of the housing, education, and financial or social entrepreneur solutions you envision. Simple statements will be easiest to remember. If our group is large, we will practice a human microphone delivery of messages shared.

We will devote a few minutes to acknowledging the feelings associated with the social injustices we are aware of. The primary focus is to witness the power of our intentions to shift our collective crisis into more benevolent outcomes.

For more information, please email: or call: 376-9213.

Editors Note: The Occupy event was held on October 15, and will be held again on October 22. Apologies for any confusion.