Celebration of The Celtic Mass for the Sea, a choral piece performed in the past by the Orcas Choral Society on Orcas Island and elsewhere, is planned for June 2 as an observance of “World Oceans Day.”

This observance of the modern choral work will be by singers who have sung the Celtic Mass For The Sea in its entirety in past years.

Former Choral Society Director Catherine Pederson says, “Our plan for celebration is inspired by Scott Macmillan and Jennyfer Brickenden, composer and librettist of the Mass, who are planning a “Flash Mob” event at the Maritime Museum in their home city of Halifax (Canada) on June 8. They are encouraging singers to join them there, or to join in spirit and song in their home communities.

“Our observance will be on June 2 at 11 a.m. at the Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall in Eastsound.”
“World Oceans Day” was first proposed 20 years ago by the Government of Canada at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The UN now officially recognizes a resolution passed in 2008 by the United Nations General Assembly declaring “World Oceans Day” on June 8 each year.

Plans for the June 2 observance of Celtic Mass propose that singers who have previously sung the work in its entirety with the Choral Society meet for two rehearsals, then gather on June 2, to sing excerpts from the Mass for our own enjoyment. Pederson says, “This event is perceived as a time of sharing – not a performance.” The celebration includes Catherine Pederson as Choral Director, Louellen McCoy as piano accompanist, and Rachel Bishop as fiddler.

Those who wish to join as listeners for this brief 15 minutes or so of music written in homage to the sea and its creatures are most welcome to come to the event at Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall at 11 a.m. on Saturday, June 2.

A simple coffee reception will follow.