Orcas Alternative Student-Initiated Studies (OASIS) High School graduates and their mentors. Back row: Kathy Collister, History Teacher; Marta Branch, OASIS teacher; Barry Neville, Odd Fellows keynote speaker; Corey Wiscomb, OASIS teacher; Tony Ghazel, OISD Board President; Jill Sherman, OASIS teacher. Front row: Sheriah White- Swartout; Sierra Frank; Sarah Wooding; .

OASIS High School held their Commencement Ceremony today to acknowledge the achievements of  Sheriah White-Swartout, who earned her High School Diploma, Soerra Frank and Sarah Wooding, who obtained GEDs (General Education Development)  certificates.

Just before receiving their diplomas, the three graduates addressed those gathered to celebrate their commencement.

Sheriah White-Swartout, Valedictorian said that while nearly 3 million people graduate from high school in the U.S. each year, ” The number of people doesn’t matter, your grade point average doesn’t matter.” What matters, she said are the obstacles graduates must overcome and the support they are given as they meet those challenges.

Sarah Wooding thanked her friends, teachers and her aunt, and apologetically wiped away tears as she said, “I’m so thankful to have grown up here.”

Sierra Frank thanked Marta Branch for being her teacher and guide, and thanked all those who came to honor the OASIS graduates. She joined the other two in expressing appreciation for one another, and their desire to graduate together.

Orcas Island School District (OISD) Superintendent Barbara Kline welcomed the students and those in attendance at Emmanuel Episcopal Parish Hall, saying “You’ve earned this ceremony because you finished. We’re proud, you should be proud of yourselves. You worked at your own pace and showed that all can finish.”

Kline thanked the teachers and support staff in the OASIS High School — Laurie Mayhew, Nancy Wrightsman, Corey Wiscomb, Julie Pinardi, Jill Sherman, Kathy Collister, Patricia Goffney and Marta Branch.

When history teacher Kathlene Collister took to the podium she praised the group for setting their goals and achieving them: “Each of you overcame barriers, and each have a story to tell.”

Collister then quoted four statements that are  key  to living a full life, from the author Louise Penney:

1)  “I’m sorry”  to express empathy and concern, not necessarily blame
2) “I was wrong” to give freedom to move beyond mistakes and mis-steps
3) “I need help” to express self-knowledge and strength, not weakness
4) “I don’t know” applying to one’s personal life, not just an accumulation of facts

OASIS lead teacher Marta Branch said that OASIS graduates show the motivation for lifelong learning, and go after what they need.  “We know they’re headed forward… and we sure do need them.”

Barry Neville spoke on behalf of the Odd Fellows saying, “We do things in different ways: that seems to sum up what OASIS is about.” He spoke of his pride in addressing the students’ character, dedication and personal growth, and of the  support and love reflect at  their graduation. He reminded them, “No one achieves alone” and “Life equals risk: If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived.”

Neville announced the recipient of the John Abbott Scholarship award, first announcing the criteria for that scholarship:

1)  humbly aware of  one’s own integrity
2) generous in service
3) inspired by passion
4) respectful of others
5) resilient in pursuit of one’s goals

Neville then called Sheria White-Swartout to receive the scholarship.

Following the presentation of Certificates and Diplomas, a reception, coordinated by Lindy Tuson-Turner was held.

As is customary, music teacher Martin Lund provided music for the ceremony, joined by student Mackie Blackburn and Lek Thixton.