Saturday, April 12, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Moran State Park

— from Elizabeth Guerry —

You are invited to the Friends of Moran Annual Park Clean Up April 12th 9 am to 4pm Cascade Lake Day use area. Lunch generously and graciously provided by Karen and Ken Speck along with Pat Moffett. Our lunch time lecture at Noon(speaker to be announced).

Please come support the park. With budget cuts effecting staff year after year and still funding that is not projected to be sufficient, it’s our opportunity to take pride in our park and help-then use your loud voice to demand funding, adequate funding for our state parks. Our 5,252 acre gem brings a significant number of annual visitors. They will hike, swim and camp in Moran, indulging in its beauty, serenity and scenery. Then they will dine and shop locally while relaxing, unwinding and reminiscing about this amazing island and Moran State Park.

This is our opportunity to show how important the park is to our community. Invest your time in our state park. Bring some gloves, bring some friends. It’s a great way to spend a few hours or the whole day.