By Dan O’Neal, Washington State Transportation Commission Chair

The Washington State Transportation Commission [is now conducting] a new statewide survey on transportation taxation options, priorities and other topics utilizing over 17,000 Washington State residents who are part of the Voice Of Washington State (VOWS) survey program.

We are hoping we can enlist your help in getting the word out so more people will join the VOWS survey panel and participate in the upcoming transportation survey.  The more people that participate, the louder the VOICE will be and the more impact it will have on state decision making.    If you know of any WA citizen who might want to participate in the upcoming statewide survey, please pass this email along to them.

To sign up for the VOWS, they just need to go to:

We truly do appreciate the time citizens take in sharing their views and also appreciate any help you can lend us in getting more folks to join the VOWS community.

Thank you!

(The website for the Washington State Transportation Commission is

(Thanks to San Juan County Council Member Lovel Pratt for providing this information)