— from Kathy Youngren —

The featured artists this month at Orcas Center are Susan Osborn and David Densmore. David said, ”Creativity has always been an important aspect of our relationship. Over 34 years we have immersed ourselves in many creative pursuits together, not in lock step but inspired by each other in a mixmaster of making.
According to Susan, ”This exhibit will display one facet of our dynamic artistic partnership. David uses paint and canvas, and I have used the camera and printer to express our love of and fascination with color and form.
The Visual Arts Committee of Orcas Center has filled the Madrona Room with art created by people who work collaboratively and/or share a work space.  Some of the “partners” are BJ and Dick Arnold, Jan and Frank Loudin, Sharon Ho and Krista Smith, Joan and Fletch Fletcher and Mary Jane Elgin and Bruce Wilson.