What a year it has been! Thanks to your support, Orcas proved to be a very resilient community. While the pandemic definitely impacted our economy, we also saw a wave of philanthropic support that provided immediate and ongoing relief to so many islanders. In the first year, donations to the Community Emergency Response Fund (CERF) topped $2.5M from over 850 donors, including $900,000 in matching grants from the Seattle Foundation’s All In WA program.

Distributions from the CER Fund have so far reached $1.8M. The grants have been focused on serving the most vulnerable in the community with essential services such as food, housing, and health support. It has meant that if you needed help with rent or mortgage payments, you could reach out to OPAL and get relief. This also meant that local landlords did not lose their income- a win/win and major stress reliever.

Similarly, grants were made to address food insecurity. The Food Bank, the Senior Center, and Meals on Wheels all kicked into high gear and ensured that no one needed to go to bed hungry. Our seniors who lived alone were connected by phone through the Senior Center with caring neighbors who helped lessen the isolation.The Community Resource Center has expanded their staff to include licensed clinical social workers and have reached out to many of our houseless neighbors to connect them to services and supports to help stabilize their situations. Additionally, they continue to work with a wide range of individuals and families to ensure they are connected to the programs and services they qualify for.

Other grants have gone to the San Juan Conservation District to start the Orcas CCC program, to the Ag Guild to increase local food production, the preschools, School District, and Camp Orkila to provide classroom support and outdoor education, even to the Orcas Center to provide live music during the weekly vaccination clinics.

Working together, we responded with speed and compassion. What a community effort!

While Covid is not over yet, we believe that State and Federal relief will soon be arriving. The CER fund has a healthy balance, which we intend to use to help fill the gaps over the next year or more. While we will leave the fund open for those of you who would like to continue contributing, we encourage you to continue to give directly to those organizations and agencies that have served this community so well and who will likely be dealing with the increased needs and impacts of the disruption for years to come. OICF will be hosting the GiveOrcas campaign in May, featuring over 25 non-profit programs serving the island as well (www.giveorcas.org). Whatever way you wish to give, we appreciate that you do so!

Covid impacted everyone, but in very different ways. Our network of nonprofits helped reduce the impact. So grateful to all of you who serve on a board, volunteer, staff, and/or contribute. You made all the difference this past year.

Stay well.

Hilary Canty, OICF

Lisa Byers, OPAL Community Land Trust

Brian Moss, Orcas Community Church

Berto Gandara, Orcas Island Episcopal Church

Erin O’Dell, OCRC

Judy Scott, OICF Board Chair

Susan Singleton, OICF Grants Chair