new shelter being built at the popular Eastsound off-leash dog area.

New shelter being built at the popular Eastsound off-leash dog area.

Contributed by Jeff Hanson

Spring is here and along with it are lots of dogs eager to come out and play in the sunshine. What better place than the local dog park?

The Eastsound Off-Leash Area has been open since last August at its new location at the corner of Mt. Baker and North Beach Roads. The Off-Leash Area  is a fenced acre complete with a dog toy box, water bowls, a special dog entry gate, and a new shelter.

The Off Leash Area has a small board of directors but the area is taken care of by all of its users. To help everyone enjoy the park safely with their dogs, the board of directors will be holding users meetings and orientations on the first Sunday of each month.

The first orientation will take place Sunday, May 3 at 2 P.M. Presenters from the Off-Leash Area board will go over the basic rules as well as tips and strategies for having a successful dog park experience.

Most months the orientation will be followed by a session with a local dog trainer. On May 3, trainer Annie Allan will provide some tips for new dog owners.

Those who are already  Off-Leash Area users and would like to learn more or those who are newcomers interested in finding out what the Area is all about are invited to come to the Dog Park  Sunday May 3rd at 2 p.m. For more information please contact

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