— by Lin McNulty —

A written decision from Federal District Court Judge Marsha J. Pechman on July 6 denies a request for a temporary restraining order (TRO) in the case of Nicholas Power v. San Juan County and Milene Henley.

On Friday June 22, 2018 Power, current candidate for the office of San Juan County Prosecuting Attorney, filed for a Temporary Restraining Order against San Juan County and its Auditor Milene Henley in federal district court in Seattle.

Mr. Power asked that the Court require the immediate removal from the official homepage of San Juan County an “op-ed” piece written by the County Auditor.

The mere suggestion, the Court finds, that residents “limit the amount of time political signs are displayed” before an election and “politely remove them as soon as possible after an election is over” would not “chill a person of ordinary firmness” from posting political signs or engaging in political speech.

Because Power demonstrated neither that Auditor Henley’s editorial suppresses protected speech nor that it was motivated by any protected speech in which he engaged, the Court denied the Motion for a TRO.

The five page decision is short and to the point. The reasons for the court’s decision are found beginning on page 4, line 17.