Monday & Tuesday, December 12 & 13, 3:30 – 7 p.m., Island Market

— from Paris Wilson, NextGeneration Public Relations —

Orcas Island High School club NextGeneration will be handing out red ribbons at Island Market on Monday, December 12 and Tuesday, December 13 from 3:30 to 7:00 pm. These red ribbons are a pledge to whoever takes one, promising not to drive under the influence over the holidays. In an effort to help our community stay safe, we will be handing the ribbons to anyone who wants one, free of charge. The ribbons can then tie to your car antenna, reminding you and others to stay safe. The purpose of this is simply to ensure the safety of drivers and their passengers. Driving under the influence is serious and can easily have disastrous results. This is why it is so important to us, as community members and students, to do as much as we can to prevent driving under the influence. Please show your support and help us spread our message.

Thank you to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) for donating the red ribbons to us so that we can distribute them at no cost to our friends, family, and community.

NextGeneration is a high school leadership group advocating for positive change on issues of concern. The curriculum offers leadership development in critical thinking, problem solving, communication skills and event planning. The goal of the group is to inform, support and empower students to make positive decisions in their future.

We hope to see you promoting safety over the upcoming cold, wintry days by stopping by our stand at the Island Market and picking up a red ribbon.