While the booming fruit export industry in the San Juan Islands of a century ago has waned, evidence of it continues to live among us in the unique seedling offspring of those early trees. Please join Meeting of the Minds this month for “Rediscovered Fruit: Conserving the Islands’ Ancient Food Forests” presented by Kwiáht botanist, Madrona Murphy, on Wednesday, April 21, at 1 p.m.

Madrona, born and raised on Lopez, is a Reed graduate in botany. In addition to establishing and managing Kwiáht’s genotyping laboratory, Madrona also conducts botanical surveys, designs re-vegetation plans for restoration projects, and grows native food plants and heritage apple varieties in Kwiáht’s research garden.

To attend, go to www.orcasseniors.org at just before 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 21, click the “Join Here” link, and enter the provided passcode. Register in advance to receive an email reminder the day prior by clicking, “Register Here.” Attendance is free or with a suggested $5 donation. All are welcome!

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