by Margie Doyle and Lin McNulty

County Council member Rick Hughes in teleconference on Friday by landline and cell phone. Photo: Margie Doyle

County Council member Rick Hughes in teleconference on Friday by landline and cell phone. Photo: Margie Doyle

Just before noon today, the County Council passed a resolution to declare a state of emergency for San Juan County.

Present in the teleconference meeting in Friday Harbor  were County Auditor Milene Henley, County Manager Mike Thomas, Sheriff Rob Nou, Prosecutor Randy Gaylord, and Council Member Bob Jarman, along with county staff. Attendees by phone were Department of Emergency Manager Brandon Cowan. On the phone from Orcas was Council Membere Rick Hughes and Dave Halloran from Department of Emergency Management. Council Member Jamie Stephens participated by phone from Seattle.

Hughes emphasizes that this decision “allows us to seek potential Federal assistance.” While this is not an environmental disaster, it is a way to get the process started to “make sure we get the fastest recovery possible. This the best way for the county to react.”

Hughes explicitly downplays the emergency aspects of this declaration. It’s just standard operating procedure on how to solve the immediate problem.

The Resolution to Declare a State of Emergency Within San Juan County, Washington passed unanimously, and is available HERE for viewing.