— from Lena Kassa for Orcas Senior Center —

2019 is a year of growth and development at the nonprofit Orcas Senor Center (OSC)! Executive Director, Sara Boyle has moved on to reestablish her consulting business working with small businesses and nonprofits, and to give more time to building a family. The Center is grateful for the organizational development and leadership skills Sara provided during her tenure.  Bonnie Burg, chair of the OSC Operations Committee, will provide ongoing leadership this year.

John Slater, has joined OSC, working Tuesdays and Thursdays to coordinate the Hearts and Hands Program.  Tom Eversole, will continue at OSC, developing new programs, including a feasibility study for offering home maintenance and repair services for seniors.  Tom works Tuesday – Friday. They both may be reached at 360.370.0562.

Program Coordinator, Vicki O’Keefe (360.376.7723) and Administrative Assistant, Lena Kassa (360.376.7929) are busy producing computer skills (tech) classes and other new activities and coordinating business functions respectively for 2019.