— from Kristen Wilson —


Pictured, from left: Darren Dix, band director; percussionists Jo Gudgell and Keith Light; Pamela Wright, strings, choir and K-4 music director.

The Orcas High School Band premiered its newest addition to the band, a beautiful new Adams xylophone, at the high school music concert earlier this month at Orcas Center. Donated by the Music Advocacy Group, the instrument will be used by band and orchestra percussionists in grades 5 through 12, as well as 3rd and 4th graders in general music.

“This is the choice instrument for high schools and many universities, as it is so durable and produces a great sound,” said Darren Dix, Orcas Band Director. “It allows more students to learn their scales and really begin to see what it is like to be a percussionist.”

“The new xylophone will be used in all levels of band and orchestra,” added Dix, “as it is a very commonly called for instrument. Our school owes a big thank you to the Music Advocacy Group for giving us the funds to purchase this beautiful new instrument.”


Pictured, from left: Darren Dix, band director; percussionists Jo Gudgell and Keith Light; Pamela Wright, strings, choir and K-4 music director.