A new series of T’ai Chi Chih classes with Joan Roulac will start on Jan.. 15 at the Heartwood House, 70 Langell Lane in Eastsound.

T’ai Chi Chih is a series of 19 flowing movements that balance our essential CHI energy so effectively that Harvard Health Letter calls T’ai Chi Chih practice “medication in motion!” says Roulac.

“Ready to start living with more ease, strength, stability and peacefulness? Let’s begin resolving any challenges together during the free introductory session on Tuesday afternoon January 15th at 3  p.m.

Level 2 classes begin at 1:30 p.m. The eight-week classes cost $100. A DVD and book are available

For more information, contact Joan Roulac at 376.6336 or chiworks4me@gmail.com